THE WEB 3.0 STORY #005

Web3 Is Not Web 3.0: There Is No Web In Web3

This is confusing and nobody seems to follow one plan. Everybody is pushing their own coin and none of it is about the Web.

Llewellyn (Lew) Daniels
4 min readDec 18, 2021


Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

For this series, I tried to trace the Web 3.0 journey starting from where the visionaries first talked about the potential of this technology. My journey was interrupted or side-tracked when Web3 entered the conversation.

Things got weird for me from that point onwards.

I was confused. Nothing made sense. I was dreaming about coins with a big B, and it started to happen even when I was awake. My family started asking me if I was OK. Several times a week.

Something took me down a rabbit hole. A Q-sized rabbit hole.

I was down there until I came across this article, An Engineer's Hype-Free Observations on Web3 (and its Possibilities). A software engineer and his team wrote it. It was the first piece of writing that was unbiased, concise, extensive, and well researched.

To save you time, I will quote a couple of things people said on Twitter and one or two other platforms while doing my research. Unfortunately, I did not capture the authors, but a quick search on Twitter should…



Llewellyn (Lew) Daniels

I write about Technology, Digital Processes for SMEs & Solopreneurs, Personal Mastery and the injustices of our World. Top Writer on Medium.